Ok world,
(aka. Mom, Mom-in-law and my few sweet friends who will actually read this)
I was thinking about this blog and how, as much as I want to keep it current, I clearly am not making it a priority. Granted I was a little busy over the summer, you know getting a full time job, planning my wedding etc. but the time for excuses is over. I'm going to level with you. The real reason I don't update this more often is because I'm too much of a perfectionist especially when it comes to my writing. I want so badly to I be a writer but if I continue avoiding writing, I AM NOT A WRITER. What kind of writer doesn't write?...all the time?...as much as possible? Ask anyone who's published. I guarantee you that one eighty millionth (is that a number?...or a word for that matter? lol) of what they write actually gets published. Either way, I will try to put my desire for perfection after my desire to write. Besides, I'm not Julie...this blog ain't gettin' published...we all know that. (Especially with that grammar ha!) So I really have no excuse. So write I will...finished, polished, "perfect" or not.
Thanks for reading.
I understand this feeling... it takes me a really long time to get a blog written...and I mostly write about FOOD. How hard is that?! You'd think I'd just have problems finding synonyms for the word "delicious", but I find other things to worry about. Oh yes I do.