As this blog challenge is part of my recent endeavor to stop coasting through life, I've decided to pin point some things about myself that I need to work on. Something I have become increasingly guilty of over the last few years is gossip.
"A fool’s mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man’s inmost parts." Proverbs 18 7-8
As a Christian, I do my best to follow the biblical teachings of Christ and gossip is something that the Bible is clear on. There is no good that comes from it. One of my issues or the way that I justify my actions is that I honestly don't gossip with malicious intent. I have always been a very curious (although sometimes nosey) person. I learned to read lips in elementary school because of the amount of eavesdropping I used to do. So usually when I end up gossiping, its because I've gotten a tid bid of information about a person or I want to know about something that's happened in another persons life. This is why social networking is a double edged sword for me. It gives me information about the my friends, family and sometimes strangers (ehem Biggest Loser Contestants...shhhh) without me really having to put forth any real effort or genuine concern. However it gives me multitudes of things to gossip about as well. I can't tell you how many times I've said, "Did you see what so and so posted on facebook today?!" And then before I know it, I've become the (information relayed from facebook) gossip queen.
Intention: Good
Action: Bad
When I started to college, I was always commended for rarely talking about anyone behind their back and even going as far as stopping gossipy conversations. But joining a sorority, although a greatly rewarding experience made it very easy to get into bad habits in terms of what I said or repeated about others . This has carried over into my work enviroment. As anyone who works in any kind of entertainment field knows, gossip is rampant. I've started catching myself saying things like, "I'm not trying to be mean, but..." um hello, if you have to preface a sentence with that disclaimer, you have a problem.
Intention: On the way to Bad
Action: Bad
So all this to say that I recognize the problem and that I'm going to do something about it. No more will I justify my actions with excuses. So please, if you hear me start to gossip, help me in my endeavor to better myself and call me out on it. And if you feel that you have a gossiping problem, no matter how bad it may be, try to work on it. Something I'm learning is that you are never too far gone and that it is never too late to try and better yourself.
Thanks for reading.
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