So after spending six years completing my undergraduate degree (due to transferring schools and doing an internship), I've decided to return to the halls of academia. Or in my case, my laptop. Ever since graduating, I knew I wanted to go back to school for my graduate degree but was really unsure of what degree I wanted to obtain. I looked into programs in the same field of study as my undergraduate degree. I found many programs of high esteem as well as cost. When discussing my prospects with my husband (boyfriend at the time), he asked me what I was going to do with this degree. He was concerned that I would not be able to find a job with another degree in the media field and rightly so. I graduated 2 1/2 years ago and still have not been able to find any job with which I would use my undergraduate degree. I researched a bit and found that the best prospect for someone holding a graduate degree in this field, in the current economy would be teaching at the undergraduate level. So I somewhat let the subject go. Because I could barely find part time employment at the time, graduate school was definitely not in the budget.
However after the all the craziness of getting a new job, planning a wedding and moving last year had ended, I felt that urge to return to school again. One thing I love about being married, is that you always have someone to bounce your ideas off and give you another perspective on any life choices. Also that you don't (and shouldn't) make any of these choices alone. After doing some research, presenting my ideas and discussing the topic with my ever-supportive husband, I decided that I would apply to pursue a degree in Non-Profit Management at the University of Central Florida. I am fortunate enough that I found a program that is conducted completely online. I get the benefit of taking online classes and therefore keep my full time employment - one of my husband's (and my) stipulations for enrolling in a program. The university being so close gives me piece of mind that if I ever need to handle any school-related matters in person, it will be easy for me to do so. A win-win. I was also fortunate enough to receive enough financial aid to cover the costs. It would have been impossible for us to pay for school out of pocket so this is truly a blessing.
So here I go! Terrified because the classes I will be taking will be very new and different to me and excited because this will hopefully give me a way to enter the field I have wanted to work in for a long time. I have a lot riding on this (mostly promising my husband that I WILL get a job in this field) and I'm really hoping that this will get my professional life back on track.
Thanks for reading.
That is so cool! I've worked at one nonprofit (a museum) and let me tell you: they need good managers!!! Good luck! I'm sure you'll do awesome. :)