Monday, August 22, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 24: Challenge Complete!

Well, here you have it folks.  The last post of my blog challenge.  And just in time too since I was just looking at the syllabus for my one of graduate classes this semester and it looks like they will definitely be keeping me busy.  I am going to do my best to continue posting on a regular basis though.  I'm hoping to write a minimum of once or twice a week.  I feel like I have a good momentum going now so I feel that this is a reasonable goal.  However, I will have to find that balance of feeling like I'm keeping up with the blog and writing continuously without having it consume most of my free time.  I'm an "all or nothing" person so this will be a challenge in and of itself.  I have enjoyed however taking the time of out every day to write.  I hope that this is something that I'll continue whether its for this blog, school or my own personal journal.  The challenge definitely forced me to think about writing everyday which is something I was hoping it would do.  I don't feel that all my posts were hugely successful and some did not contain enough actual writing.  However, the challenge wasn't necessarily about writing a piece of literature every day.  It was about making a commitment to post daily and sticking to it.  I did this for the most part and although there were some days I just couldn't find the time to sit and write a post worth publishing, I always made up for it.  My goal was to write 24 posts in 24 days and that is what I have done.  I know its really silly but I'm proud of myself for sticking to it.  Especially since it was something I came up with completely on my own, challenged myself to do on my own and had to motivate myself to complete on my own.  I guess it was self-empowering.  I'm also glad I did it just before starting classes because I was (and still am) very rusty in my writing.  This helped me break though those initial barriers and writers block and hopefully my writing has improved.  Thanks to everyone who supported me in this endeavor and those who read my posts.  Special thanks to my husband for reminding me to write my posts on those days when the blog would slip my mind.  I hope you've enjoyed reading my blog challenge posts as much as I've enjoyed writing them.

Thanks for reading.


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